Taxes and Fees
Update to Development Impact Fees Program
The City of Selma updated its Development Impact Fees (DIF) Program to ensure the costs of facilities and infrastructure for new development are fairly distributed. The changes are based on the Development Impact Fees Nexus Study, which calculates costs and allowable fees under the Mitigation Fee Act (Government Code Sections 66000).
The Selma City Council held a public hearing to discuss this update on Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at 1710 Tucker Street, Selma, California. At this meeting, the Council approved the proposed fees, which will take effect on January 31, 2025, in accordance with state law.
City of Selma User Fee Study and Development Impact Fee ScheduleThe City of Selma User Fee Study offers a comprehensive document. of the fees associated with city services. These fees were adopted by Selma City Council on 11/2/21 by Resolution No. 2021-66R.
Additionally, the City of Selma Development Impact Fee Schedule 2022 specifies the fees required to support the city’s infrastructure and facilities as Selma continues to grow and develop.
Assessment Information
For more information about assessment districts, please contact the Finance Department: