Storm water Pollution Prevention

logoThe City of Selma Department of Public Works is engaged in a program to reduce the amount of pollution entering our storm drain system.  In an effort to meet NPDES Permit requirements, the City launched a Storm Water Public Education Program to educate the public about what they can do to prevent pollution and keep local waterways clean.  Educational resources are available on this page or paper copies are available at City Hall.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

What is an Illicit Discharge?

“Illicit Discharge” is defined as the disposing, dumping, spilling, emitting, or any other discharge of a substance other than storm water to a municipal storm drain system. The storm drain system includes streets, ditches, catch basins, yard inlets, lakes, and streams.  

Examples of illicit discharges include:

  • Sanitary wastewater piping that is directly connected from a home to the storm sewer
  • The pouring of materials such as oil, fertilizers, lawn clippings, paints or gasoline, into a storm drain, ditch, or water body
  • A shop floor drain that is connected to the storm sewer system
  • A failing septic system that is that is leaking into a damaged storm sewer line or that is causing surface discharge into the storm sewer
Anyone witnessing illicit discharges or dumping of materials into the street or storm drain, please call (559) 891-2215 immediately.
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Informational Brochures5 documents

  • After the Storm
    document seq 0.00
  • Despues de la Tormenta
    document seq 0.00
  • Solution to Pollution
    document seq 0.00
  • Urban Runoff Facts
    document seq 0.00
  • Neighborhood Action Kit
    document seq 0.00

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