Traffic Services

Traffic Enforcement includes special equipment and educational materials. The unit provides specialized enforcement and innovative strategies to reduce injury and fatal collisions in our community.
Strategies include Driving Under the Influence (DUI) /Driver's License safety checkpoints and DUI roving patrols. The unit also produces a “hot sheet” to notify patrol officers to be on the lookout for identified repeat DUI offenders or those with suspended or revoked licenses as a result of previous DUI convictions. Court sting operations have been performed successfully which focus on DUI offenders with suspended or revoked licenses who continue to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Additionally, enforcement operations target red light runners, aggressive drivers, illegal street racing and passenger protection. The unit has been effective since its inception and during one recent quarter red light collisions decreased 75% due to preventive enforcement efforts.
In the future, pro-active enforcement operations will be directed at problem intersections with a disproportionate volume of collisions. The unit also works to gain voluntary compliance with traffic laws through community publicity and events.

For more information about our Traffic program, contact Sergeant Justin Holt (559) 891-2251 [email protected]