Personnel Commission

 Appointees are required to be at least 18 years old and live within the city limits of the City of Selma. Personnel Commission members serve for four years unless appointed to fill an unexpired term. The Personnel Commission's function is to hear appeals submitted by any person in the competitive service (city employees) relative to any disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, charge of discrimination, or alleged violation and to review personnel policies and procedures. The Commission is comprised of five members and meets on a needs only basis.

05/24/22 Regular Meeting Agenda      

08/12/20 Regular Meeting Agenda      
08/11/20 Regular Meeting Agenda      
06/26/20 Regular Meeting Agenda      
06/23/20 Regular Meeting Agenda      

07/30/19 Regular Meeting Agenda      

12/13/18 Regular Meeting Agenda      

12/18/17 Regular Meeting Agenda      

11/09/16 Regular Meeting Agenda      
10/18/16 Regular Meeting Agenda      
06/21/16 Regular Meeting Agenda      

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