Thank you for your interest in starting a business in the City of Selma.


A City Business License must be obtained prior to doing any business inside the city limits.

Apply for a business license through OpenGov

New Applicants: No license shall be issued until the applicant has completed all provisions of the Building Code, the Fire Prevention Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Selma Police Department and Fresno County Health and Environmental Department.

If you are located inside the City limits of Selma, a Contractor, or a Home-Based Business, please contact the Community Development Department for any Zoning and Building Permit requirements prior to submitting your Business License Application.

Building Department: (559) 891- 2208

Planning/Zoning: (559) 891- 2209

All businesses inside or outside of City limits should turn in their completed application to the Finance Department at: 1710 Tucker St. Selma, CA 93662

Renewal Process: Your license will expire on an annual basis from your start of business date. Therefore you will be billed automatically for the new  year at the current corresponding rate. You will receive your license after all City fees have been paid. Failure to pay your license fee within forty-five (45) days from the billing date will result in penalty fees at the rate of 50% of the balance due.

New/Change of OwnershipA new application must be submitted whenever there is a change in ownership or business name change. Please notify this office immediately if there are any changes in the mailing address or operating status of your business.

Change of Physical Location: If your business has changed its physical location, please submit a new Business License Application along with your payment of an administration fee. Please include a brief statement of the change with previous address and new location.

To receive additional information regarding a City business license, please contact us at (559) 891-2200 or send your e-mail to [email protected]

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Business Licenses4 documents

  • Business License Application
    document date 12-22-2021
  • Contractor Business License Application
    document date 12-22-2021
  • Home Occupation Permit Application
    document date 01-05-2021
    Required for any home based business operating in the city.
  • Solicitor's Business License Application
    document date none

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